Voc. San Carlo, Zona Ind.le
05032 Calvi dell’Umbria, Terni


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Received and read the preceding information policy, I acknowledge that for the Data Treatments carried out on the basis of the objectives related to paragraph 1, letters a), b), c), my consent is not required, because the object is operations based on pre-contractual agreements or current contractual agreement, or in fulfillment of obligations of law or pursuance of legitimate interests.

I also acknowledge my free, full and informed consent to the Data Treatment, in respect of the finalities and modalities specified in the received information and within the limits in which the law requires or doesn’t require my consent, as well as the communication of the Data to the Categories of Personnel specified in the information policy. In the specific, this regards:

the scope dealt with in par.1, let. d: to send commercial and advertisement policies, courtesy messages and questionnaires for the evaluation and satisfaction of the client as well as for developing surveys and market analyses, to appear in the sector magazinesthe scope dealt with in par.1 let. e: to manage the customers, even with the purpose of running internal statistics as well as with the purpose of communicating the existing clientele to potential customers or suppliersthe scope dealt with in par.1 let.f: to insert data in company websites and social networks, in our brochures and in our advertising materials for informative purposes


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 Phone: (+39) 0744 710294
Phone: (+39) 0744 710295

 Customers Service: info@fattorieumbre.com

 Voc. San Carlo, Zona Ind.le
05032 Calvi dell’Umbria, Terni